Tag Archives: Tenancy Investigators

Tenancy Fraud

I listened to a Webinair today about Tenancy Fraud. This is a much bigger issue than many are aware and something that needs time, money and task forces to reduce. Existing frontline Housing Teams are already pushed to the limit with workload. What is needed here are dedicated staff ring fenced to this and also Tenancy Audit Checking.

I am not just saying this as I am in need of a new job and would love to get my teeth into this area but because there are many out there who are in need of Social Housing yet can’t access it as it is in short supply.

Some of the homes are left empty whilst absentee tenants travel the globe for lengthy periods or establish themselves in new homes elsewhere , others are illegally sub let with the tenant of the flat creaming off a profit on the rent charged to the often unsuspecting sub let tenant.

There also needs to be more support for those who have been taken in by tenants and could not have possibly known they were sub letting from a tenant and not the Landlord. These people are often quite willing to talk.