Tag Archives: Value for Money

Glass Houses

There’s an old saying that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. So why then do people they can improve professions such as the Police Service without actually spending anytime experiencing what it’s actually like for front line Officers protecting people.

The Winsor report seems to suggest that Officers need to do more for less, nothing new here as almost every other profession has been through the mill but unlike other professions the Police don’t have the options to openly criticize the recommendations or rank and file to make representations against it.

Isn’t it about time that instead of paying external consultants to take the lead in efficiency and performance improvements that those who are on the front line of services are listened to and given a voice to be part of any such proposals?

Value For Money

One thing this process has taught me is the importance of value for money. I was in Sainsburys this morning and needed some Listerene. There was a 500mm bottle for £3.50 and a 250mm bottle for a £1.

Obviously I opted for the best value. I have never really been careless with money having been taught to work hard and appreciate what I have. I am lucky as am mortgage and debt free, long may I stay that way as don’t believe in credit cards and certainly don’t believe in buying things I can’t afford.

I have over the years though been very generous to people and have always been the first to put my hand in my pocket to assist if needed, or even to offer assistance, even if it isn’t then taken up.